(Intro) ASP.Net Core + Angular 2 = building a smarter framework

After a few years successfully building a number of SPA applications using ASP.Net MVC with Angular 1.x, it was time to start connecting the pieces of ASP.Net Core, Angular 2 using Typescript, use OAuth2 / Open ID and JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and EF Core. It is hoped that this will remain cross-platform, be deployable to Windows Server or Linux – by virtue of ASP.Net Core, and a simplified deployment mechanism be employed to allow updates as well as rolling back of code and database deployments.

Many line of business applications will have a similar starting point, the fine details will vary, but you’ll have need of server and database, web services providing data, some front end user authentication/authorisation, and forms.

ASP.Net forms, ASP.Net MVC and ASP.Net Core using view state, razor, view models and so on have all relied to a varying degree on large post backs, or innumerable partial views and too much bad coupling. Hopefully this will end up differently, as we’re aiming to have the data model dynamically generate the form fields, and if practical even the whole form, as well as the Angular 2 code for the front end.

The result should be an application ‘framework’ that should at least provide a starting point, or guidance, to someone wanting a similar result and not wanting to stress over the fine details too much.

For those who want to follow along, these posts will take you step by step, though if you prefer to get straight into it, the source will be on github here, throughout the project too.

Later, as the project starts to takes shape, there should be a chance for anyone wanting to join in, to do so and submit pull requests. If you have ideas, comments in the mean time, please feel free to add them here. Later we’ll make use of the github issues.